Salty High TDS Water, Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oilfields and Gas fields

Solution by Waterman Engineers Australia

Waterman Engineers Australia was approached to design and deliver an integrated water treatment system with the capacity to meet the extreme salinity and challenging operational conditions. This solution would involve a multi-layered treatment process:

Ultrafiltration (UF) was the first stage to remove the suspended solids and colloids in order to protect the downstream processes from fouling.

RO was thus used to bring down the TDS considerably and provide a permeate stream suitable for re-use into the field’s operations.

MEEs were installed for the RO concentrate treatment step, further decreasing the volume of brine and recovering more water for re-use.

The system developed by Waterman Engineers Australia led to a significant reduction in scaling and corrosion problems, extended the life expectancy of the field’s infrastructure, and facilitated the re-injection of treated water that results in reduced reliance on freshwater resources.

Waterman Engineers Australia has developed such expertise in high TDS water treatment for oil and gas fields, providing leading-edge solutions to meet the special needs of individual projects. Its leadership in the design and delivery of advanced water treatment systems empowers operators in improving operational efficiency, extending infrastructure life, and meeting sustainability goals.

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