Types of Spinal Cord Injuries Caused by Fort Smith Car Accidents

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries Caused by Fort Smith Car Accidents

For details visit: https://www.jhatfieldlaw.com/fort-smith/car-accident-attorney/spinal-cord-injury-from-a-car-accident/

The Fort Smith car accident lawyers at the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield, P.A. have outlined the types of spinal cord injuries that crash victims in the city may sustain.

There are 17,500 new spinal cord injuries each year. Of these, around 47 percent result in incomplete quadriplegia.

1. Cervical nerve injuries:

• Treatment for spinal cord injuries varies based on the injury location. The closer to the top of the spine an injury is, the worse the diagnosis can be.

• Injuries to the cervical nerves in the C1-C4 vertebrae are the most severe. They can lead to paralysis in the arms, hands, trunk and legs and require round-the-clock care.

• Injuries to the C5-C8 vertebrae affect control of arms and hands. An injured person may be able to breathe and speak on their own.

2. Lower spine injuries:

• Lumbar nerve injuries in the L1-L5 area affect the lower limbs. Such injuries can result in trouble controlling bladder or bowel movements.

• Sacral nerves injuries in the S1-S5 area may also affect lower limbs. A patient may walk but will have no bladder or bowel control.

3. Incomplete vs complete injuries:

• Incomplete injuries: Nerve communication is partially in place, and the brain receives messages.

• Complete injuries: The survivor cannot feel anything below the injury site.

After a spinal cord injury:

1. Your spinal cord injury lawyer may hire life care planners.

2. Your team will configure your living spaces and transportation, along with researching costs.

3. A financial planner’s calculations can help your attorney seek compensation for your lost income and fringe benefits.

Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield, P.A.

1025 E Don Tyson Pkwy

Springdale, AR 72764

(479) 361-3575


400 N 6th St, Suite 2

Fort Smith, AR 72902

(479) 777-1206

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