Heavy Metal Removal from Mining Dam, Mining Pit Wastewater

Heavy Metal Removal from Mining Dam, Mining Pit Wastewater


Toxic, long-lasting, and capable of bioaccumulation in living organism tissues, heavy metals emerge as the most troublesome mining effluent contaminants. When not handled correctly, metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium may wreak havoc on ecosystems and human health. Consequently, in order to safeguard ecosystems and human health, it is necessary to appropriately remove these pollutants from wastewater from mining dams and pits.

Sources of Heavy Metals in Mining Wastewater

Most of the heavy metals in mine runoff originate in the mined material itself. After being extracted and processed, metals can dissolve in water. In this instance, the tailings, which are the leftovers from mining operations and are kept in pits or dams, are another important source of pollution. This could contaminate the area when it comes into touch with water because it dissolves metals.

For details visit: https://watermanaustralia.com/heavy-metal-removal-from-mining-dam-mining-pit-wastewater/ 

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